More Paintings by Nancy Pendery

These are some additional paintings to look at. Some are for sale, others not. Let me know if you are interested in purchasing any of my paintings:

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Such incredible views driving from one small town to another in Umbria.

Another small redroofed house in the Umbrian valley. They're all charming

Two of our artists looking for a place to paint!

Friday, June 18, 2010

This is one of the latest paintings from Umbria I have finished. All of the paintings are 5"x7" or 6x8.
This is one of the small hill towns we passed. I took most of my photos from the bus as we were driving from one place to another.

"Wash day in Umbria"
May 2010

Umbria, Italy 2010

My trip to the Umbria region of Italy was great! Fourteen artist from all over the US and one from Finland met at Rome's airport and were bussed to La Romita in Terni (fifth miles north of rome and 100 miles south of Florence) every day we were fed and then bussed to another beautiful town, including Assissi and Perugia among many other smaller places. It was fourteen busy days.

This is just one of the scenes I painted after I returned home.